Sony has released the news, that there will be cuts in Sony UK Studios. Sony London, Sony Liverpool and Evolution Studios are the ones who are being effected, There also been a source made by Eurogamer including that development of PlayStation Home will be moved to Japan, that the SingStar franchise will be “consolidated”, and that one secret project has been cancelled.
“It has been decided that production on a small number of projects within London Studio, Studio Liverpool and Evolution Studios will be streamlined or closed due to a portfolio review and project prioritisation,” read the statement.
“This decision was made following an internal review of all games and it was deemed that with the incredibly strong list of exclusive first-party titles coming up both this year and in the near future, resource should be reallocated to enhance those projects closer to completion.”
“The affected first-party studios have been and will continue to be vital assets within the WWS family, and have a history of producing genre defining games such as MotorStorm, WipEout, SingStar and EyePet.
“This decision will have no impact on the role that our first-party studios will play in the future of all PlayStation platforms.”
We will keep you all updated, if we find any more news on this subject.