This weeks FirstPlay, Episode 51 ( which can be purchased on the 30th March 2011 ), includes some great reviews and screenshots on some new games. FirstPlay will be reviewing these great games:

  • Crysis 2
  • Shift 2: Unleashed

Also in this episode, FirstPlay will be showing previews of Duke Nukem Forever  along with new releases for the PlayStation such as Top Spin 4 and Two Worlds 2.

FirstPlay has also given “Flashpint: Redit River” Boss, Sion Lenton 10 Questions to answer, as well as questions about the making of “Crysis 2” to the Lead Designer Sten Hubler. The latest “minis” in the PlayStation Store and the regular screenshot gallery, including the Shadow of The Damned and Dead Island are covered too!

You can buy this episode on the Playstation Store from the 30th March 2011, for only 99p, or a 12 week subscription for £8.99.

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