It’s Nearly easter and we all know with easter come those oh so brilliant pun’s so don’t crack up as i have a few :)
Eggcellent news from the team over at Lockwood/Outso as this week they are starting with a fresh new look over at the sodium hub so fans of scorpios or heck even scorpions get over there and check this out it will be worth it . Lockwood had this to say on the fresh new look
“It’s time for a brand new look at the Sodium Hub.
Lockwood have told us that while the Test Pilots have been hard at work getting Project Velocity compliant with Transonic Racing regulations a team has been hard at work getting the Sodium Hub ready for the next Reality Shift.
With the growing popularity of trans-dimensional extreme sports, and real-time multiplayer action coming to Home in Project Velocity, Scorpios has been expanded with all new seating and a dedicated Teleportal, giving pilots the opportunity to socialise before a race, or to throw down a challenge to anyone who thinks their reflexes are fast enough.
Access to the Salt Shooter training facility has been made easier for those of you who feel you need a little seasoning before taking on the challenges of Salt Shooter or Project Velocity.
“Most importantly of all brand new Sodium2 Teleportals have been added to transport you straight to the Launch Grid and into action. Access is currently restricted to authorised Test Pilots and maintenance personnel, however rumours abound of a new mystery somewhere in the desert near the Sodium. If you find anything please be sure to report it the Sodium Facebook Fanpage!
Now if that isn’t wetting your appetite for home goodness then this next bit of content may just send you into overload :).
“Villainy is afoot in Playstation®Home this week!
Poor Lucy the Goose has been robbed and she needs your help and the thief is still at large!
Baron von Eggenschtealer, the wily lop eared villain has made off will Lucy’s eggs, the Blaggard!
But hope yet remains dear friend if you will come to dear Lucy’s aid.
The butter pawed fiend in his rush to make off with the goods is carelessly dropping eggs everywhere he goes.”
So calling all bunnies calling all avatars we need you help to stop this little menace and yes we know how to do so also. It’s simple just get yourself Baron’s Eggcellent Plan Active Object and start your hunting
And don’t forget there are some other awesome content available to help you along with your quest
Last but not least a list of the Lockwood Catalogue due for this thursday eggciting times ahead!!!.
All This and more will be available in Playstation Home on the 7th of April After regular maintenance