Ray Maguire joined Sony Computer Entertainment UK 17 years ago, but he has recently left.

He was in position of Vice President of Europe, but then moved as being managing director, and was a great asset to Sony, after establishing the PlayStation brand across United Kingdom and other regions!

Ray Maguire had this to say before leaving:

“Having been here right from the start and after a lot of soul searching, I feel that now is the right time for me to move on,”

“I am confident that I can leave the business in the hands of the brilliant teams here in the UK and across Europe that I’ve had the honour of working with. I’ve made so many great friends during my time here and although the thought of leaving was quite tough, it is essential for me to continue to grow.”

Andrew House, European President at Sony, had this to say:

“In a career at SCE spanning over 17 years, Ray has helped establish PlayStation as a household name and a major entertainment brand,”

“Ray is consumer focused and over the years has built and maintained a reputation as one of the industry’s most respected senior figures. We wish him luck in his future endeavours.”

There has been no official word from Sony for Ray Maguire’s replacement, but we here at PlayStationer.net and I’m sure many others wish him the best for the future. :)


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