One of the first updates to Aurora Seems to be a doosy and Ndreams are doing it in their true style with the event of  “Aurora : Atlantic War”

More Information can be found at

In May, we’ll be running  ‘Battle of the Atlantic’ – a competition that pits the mighty behemoth of North America against the powerful colossus of Europe. We will also be looking at smaller skirmishes over the two weeks. Who has the better gamers, Canada or the USA? And which country has the best PlayStation Home gamers? “

“All this, and more, will be revealed over the two week period. On 1st May, we’ll announce the final results. We’ll also announce the best player over the two weeks from both North America and Europe, who will both be inducted as the first two ‘Generals of Aurora’.

Good luck!”

Join Your Country Fight the War Come Out Victorious and Never Surrender!

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