Not that long ago (today in fact) in a galaxy that might be far, far away (it’s exact location within the digital boundaries of PlayStation Home is unknown)…… the Aurora War has begun.
Just a reminder that starting today (April 17th) the might of the EU, take on the mass of America. Once mighty allies, now these two powerhouses must face off in a battle of the best. Who’s got the ‘Orbs’ to take the crown for their country? Only time will tell. Be sure to log onto PlayStation Home between now and May 1st, then get yourself over to the new nDreams ‘Aurora Space‘. Whilst there rack up the points in Orbrunner and if you own the mystical ‘Aurora Island’ Personal Space you can also help by defending the skies with the Aurora Defense Game. Stay tuned to for updates and for detailed tactical data, pop along to
Check out Troothpaste’s preview of Aurora War: Battle of the Atlantic right here
As of Sunday evening the Americans are slightly ahead! Come on PlayStationers – Do you Country proud, pop your Goggles on and give those points racking up.