The former President for Sony, Neoria Ohga has died at the age of 81 yesterday. He was credited developing the compact disc we all knew and loved.

Mr Ohga led the Sony through from 1982 to 1995, who died earlier yesterday, with multiple organ failure in Tokyo. Before his death, he was still the senior advisor for Sony,

He was also criticised for the unwise and costly purchase when they brought the $3.4bn Hollywood Studios Columbia Pictures, but he proved everyone wrong.  He was also in charge of the launch of the Sony’s game business ‘ PlayStation ‘ which  today is still continuing to be a huge success.

Sony Chairman Howard Stringer said this yesterday:

“By redefining Sony as a company encompassing both hardware and software, Ohga-san succeeded where other Japanese companies failed,”

“It is no exaggeration to attribute Sony’s evolution beyond audio and video products into music, movies and game, and subsequent transformation into a global entertainment leader to Ohga-san’s foresight and vision.”

He stepped down as president at Sony in 1995, but continued to be the chairman and representative director up till 2000.

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