We all enjoy free things right? Of course, so fan of Valve’s amazing first person puzzler will be delighted to know that you can download music from Portal 2, for the spectacular price of nothing. The first volume of what Aperture Laboratories calls it’s aural stimulus package, is currently available to download via the Official Portal 2 website thinkingwithportal.com and boasts an impressive 22 tracks.

Click Here For Free Music (Cake Not Included)

So whether you’ve built your very own test chamber in the shed or just like listening to epic video game tunes, thanks to Valve you now have the perfect soundtrack. We salute them for making this impressive audio treat available for free and look forward to the next volumes being added.  Check out our Portal 2 review right here and don’t forget the free stuff doesn’t end there as Valve have already announced free Portal 2 DLC will be hitting the PlayStation Store this Summer. I guess we can forgive GLaDOS for the lack of Cake now then?

Source: Valve Portal 2 Blog

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