What is it with Gearbox and delays? First the take on the Duke Nukem licence, famous for being in development for almost forever. We’ve been waiting for our talking Claptrap figure for over a year now and then there’s Aliens: Colonial Marines. The SEGA published First Person Shooter was announced way back in 2008. Much like when you scream in space, nothing has been heard since then. Until a few weeks back, when various magazines and websites started to receive dolls heads in the post, a few weeks later the iconic Pulse Rifles started to appear.

Well today SEGA have officially re-announced that Aliens: Colonial Marines will mostly be hitting the PlayStation 3 in Spring 2012, mostly.

SEGA promises that Aliens: Colonial Marines will be “an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe.” As much as we loved the last years AvP game, Aliens: Colonial Marines is what we have been waiting for and we hope Gearbox will deliver a truly cinematic experience that will expand on the rich universe the Alien movies created.

Expect more details next week when the game is fully revealed at E3.

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