Duke Nukem Forever is what I described as ‘the disappointment of the decade’ but Duke might not have completely died yet! A small Danish company called interceptor entertainment are creating a new version of the cult classic Duke Nukem 3D originally released in 1996 for the PC called Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded.

Interceptor say that this game wont be a direct remake of the original Duke Nukem 3D game, but more like how the game would look and play if it was made today. This is really what gearbox was aiming for, but they didn’t do so well. Granted Duke Nukem Forever has its moments, but it looks like interceptor are here to save the day for Duke and make him regain his Balls of Steel status.  You can head over to interceptors Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded site (http://www.dukenukemreloaded.com) and check out the latest information on the game.

Interceptor also do a podcast on how the game is doing and how far they have got with this game and although no real footage has been released, early images make the game look awesome. This is being built on the Unreal Engine and will play like any other modern shooter. The difference between this and any other modern shooter will be the sheer awesomeness. This game is looking like it will see a downloadable release through the PlayStation Store but may well have a commercial release. Lets hope that interceptor will rekindle the hype that was killed by Duke Nukem Forever once and for all…and not take 12 years to do it.


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