Those of you who purchased inFAMOUS 2 or are PlayStation Plus members will be able to take part in the upcoming Uncharted 3 Multiplayer BETA. You may be thinking “that’s reward enough” getting early access to one of PlayStation 3’s most anticipated games of the year. Well the folks at Naughty Dog think differently, and have announced a number of special unlocks for the retail release of Uncharted 3, only available to those who play the BETA.

The unlocks available are:

  • Uncharted 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar
  • Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1 –
    Complete 10 matches in every mode of competitive multiplayer
  • Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2 –
    Complete 5 matches in every mode of co-operative multiplayer
  • Treasure Hunter’s Starter Pack –
    Complete 4 treasure sets
  • In-game Cash Day One
    Hit the maxium level of 25 in the BETA

Certain parts of the BETA will be open at various points between the BETA starting tomorrow – June 28th, until it ends on July 13th, below is the full game mode line-up:

June 28th – 4th July
Game Types: Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch and Co-op Arena
Maps: Airstrip and Chateau

4th July – 8th July
Game Types: Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Team Objectibe and Co-op Hunter
Maps: Airstrip and Chateau

9th July – 13th July
Game Types: Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Adventure
Map: Airstrip and Yemen

Be sure to to share your thoughts on the Uncharted 3 Mulitplayer BETA over in the forums until then stay tuned to for more Uncharted 3 news and previews on the run up to it’s release this November.


Source: Iznic’s Dungeon

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