In exactly one week from now Sony Pictures is set to release Battle: Los Angeles on Blu-ray, DVD and digital download via the PlayStation Network Video Store. What’s that got to do with PlayStation I hear you ask, well a limited number of the Battle: Los Angeles Blu-rays will grant it’s purchasers exclusive first access to the Resistance 3 demo before anywhere else. The disc will also feature an exclusive downloadable PS3 XMB Theme.

For those of you with with good memories, you’ll remember the connection between Resistance 3 and Battle: Los Angeles goes back to way before Resistance 3 was even announced, when a billboard advertising R3 was spotted on the set of Battle: LA in 2009.

There’s still time to pre-order your copy of Battle: Los Angeles on Blu-ray, just look out for the specially marked packaging featuring the Resistance 3 logo, and if the lure of early access to the Resistance 3 demo isn’t enough to make you part with your hard earned cash, check out the Battle: Los Angeles trailer below.

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