In Batman Arkham Asylum, The Riddler was a mere faceless presence, who’s only means for bothering old Bats was to leave a few cheeky green question marks here and there. But in Arkham City, Mr Edward Nigma has stepped his game up to once and for all prove he’s smarter than a bat.

Rocksteady have already stated that The Riddler’s Challenges will be far more involved this time round. Cracking those cryptic clues now hold a greater sense of urgency, with The Riddler now involving the lives of innocent Gothamites. To prove how twisted the chartreuse conundrumer is, a new Riddler Reveal Trailer has hit the web, check it out below.

In other Batman Arkham City news, US retailer Best Buy have listed a Collectors Edition for Arkham City. Nothing apart from the price of $99, has been revealed. So stay tuned to for all the Batman news – same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.


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