UPDATE: Gearbox software have just confirmed via their twitter feed that Borderlands 2 is in development and will bring new classes, weapons, skills and more! Head over to www.borderlands2.com for more info! 


A source close to 2K Games has recently decided to share the information that a sequel to the action-adventure shooter Borderlands may well be coming soon. The source said we should expect an official announcement pretty soon from 2K and Gearbox software. The game will supposedly see its release next year on Playstation 3, PC and Xbox 360. Borderlands 2 hasn’t exactly been shy of rumours as recently Borderlands 2 appeared on a game developers CV which led us all to believe that the game would see an announcement at E3 2011, but it sadly didn’t.

Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has been quoted as saying that the Duke Nukem Forever developer is very much interested in returning to the Borderlands franchise in the future.

“I can tell you that myself and everyone at Gearbox LOVES Borderlands and we have been absolutely thrilled at the reception it’s gotten from our customers and the fact that it’s sold over four million units now,” he said during an interview with Eurogamer.

“So you can see that we supported the game like mad with lots of great DLC and you can imagine that we’re going to want to do a lot of things with Borderlands in the future.

“But we’ve only announced what we’ve announced. If we haven’t announced it, it doesn’t exist”

“Plans and efforts towards the future always exist with a forward looking studio like Gearbox, of course,” he continued, “but brainstorming and blue sky research and development should never be allowed to be construed into a customer promise”

“A customer promise should not be made until that promise becomes sufficiently clear and ready and the commitment is there to deliver upon the promise.”

Borderlands was a game that went down well with critics and gamer alike, and I personally still play this game online with some friends all the time! It never seems to get old, weather you prefer Phase-walking and silently killing your enemies as Lilith, or going in all guns…or should I say fists blazing as Brick. If you’ve read my Duke Nukem Forever review, you would know that I see Borderlands as one of the all time classics of the gaming world and I would personally love to see a sequel to such an epic game come soon!

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