Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.

– Oscar Wilde


As controversial as Oscar Wilde is, I still enjoy a few of his quotes.

For someone who runs what I would call a fairly good blog, I dont do a lot of this blogging thing, and probably for a good reason, because my writing is atrocious. Its just as well I have the most amazing team helping making it all happen, Kudos guys !  Instead of blogging, the majority of my time is dedicated towards managing the site, doing heaps of web design and development, maintaining the servers, preventing the site from crashing when a few thousand of you flood the site in a matter of minutes (Yes, it has happened several times), Coming up with ideas and plans, generating revenue, what to do and where to go next with the site. And that final point what this is about.

Over the past few weeks I have been working away on a few things on Playstationer.net, some pretty big developments for the site, which I will be unveiling when the time is right, but rest assured they will not disappoint.

The first in this ‘series’ of developments for Playstationer.net is something that will be launching over the next week or two, and thats GTABlog.net. I have been a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series all along, so I thought it would be a bright idea to start up a blog dedicated to the game series. It wont be just focusing on GTA for the Playstation, but everything GTA.

We are currently looking for people to help keep GTABlog.net updated regularly on the latest in the world of Grand Theft Auto, so, if you are interested and share a passion for Grand Theft Auto, please email me at alex@playstationer.net

More info on the project as it comes, keep an eye on GTABlog.net, here, @PlaystationerEU on Twitter, and @GTABlog_net on Twitter.

Mise le meas,

Alex McGill

Co-Founder, Community Manager, Developer, Designer, et cetera.


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