In this weeks Playstation Home Update Lockwood Publishing gets all festive with their latest batch of virtual goodies and rewards to get you into the Christmass spirit (After all, theres only 4 weeks to go !). On top of that they launch their new line of Vintage clothing, Drey, which would make the perfect addition to any body’s wardrobe.

Snow has fallen in the Lockwood Publishing Showcase, transforming it into a magical winter scene. Dance with Timmy the Gingerbread Man, marvel at the new festive Stitchkins and get a sneak peak at what Figment and Iron Fusion have in store for the future! As if that’s not enough, there’s a fantastic winter spa area where you can have a hot tub party with your friends, and a new batch of limited time rewards.

The latest additions to the Stitchkin family are Popsicle the Penguin and Pudding the Polar Bear. They may soon be inviting some cousins to stay for a short while – you’ll need to keep an eye on the Gift Machine so you don’t miss their arrival…

The first festive gifts have made their way into the Gift Machine, but it doesn’t stop there, check back each week for more holiday treats, including some companions exclusive to the Gift Machine!


Vintage and Athletic clothing packs are now available from the Drey collection, give the gift of style with Drey gifts available exclusively from the Gift Machine – it’s your turn to be the life of the party! Also, be prepared to strut your stuff on 15th December as the Runway is set to launch.

Don’t forget to participate in the Lockwood opinion poll which can be accessed online or via the Gift Machine, this is a just-for-fun quiz to help us produce the best possible content for all Lockwood Fans. The questions change, so come back as many times as you like! Just click here to find out more :


Thats all for this week folks, but dont forget to check back for next week’s Lockwood Update, and why not follow us on Twitter or stalk us on the Book of Faces (That almost sounded dirtay :D)

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