Tomb Raider has always been a massively successful franchise and it only makes sense that Hollywood would try and give a movie another shot.

In an interview with Digital Spy, producer Graham King, who most recently produced Hugo, (directed by Martin Scorsese) spoke a little about the new Tomb Raider Movie. “It’s re-inventing the wheel a bit, it’s a reboot. We’re going back before she was Lara Croft, so it’s a much more emotional character piece. She’s in search of her parents. But it’s going to have a lot of action and a lot of fun, and for me, it’s something very different. I’ve not really done a movie like that before, but I really gravitated to rebooting this franchise and we’re going to give it a shot.”

The script’s been written by Iron Man screenwriters Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, which can only mean good things. Iron Man was such a good origin story and still stands out as one of Marvel Comics best films.

King also spoke about one of this years Summer Blockbusters. “One of my favourite movies of this year was Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the way they rebooted that franchise. I thought it was fantastic and took a lot away from that for Tomb Raider.”

No one has been cast in the film yet, but we can pretty much guarantee that it won’t be Angelina Jolie if they are going back to a young Lara.

In the mean time you can check out the Gorgeous Alison Carroll (the latest Tomb Raider Model).

Who do you guy’s think should be the new Lara? Sound off below.


Source : & OPMUK

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