According to Nomura Securities a Japanese investment analysis company they expect Konami’s operating earnings in the finical year of 2013 to be up by ¥52 Billion. The main reason is because Nomura apparently expect Konami to release Metal Gear Soild 5.
That would make the next instalment in the Metal Gear Series just 1 or 2 years away, although it must also be stressed that Nomura may not have any insider information and it may just be speculative guess. We don’t know, but lets keep our fingers crossed.
The fact that a analysis company would make this sort of prediction is also not surprising considering Hideo Kojima the creator of the series said last year that Kojima would “probably have to make Metal Gear Solid 5 at some point.”
Do you think we could see the next instalment in as little as a year? Are you excited by the prospect? Let us know below.
Source: andriasang