If you are reading this blog post chances are we have managed to fight off dark forces and forge one theme, to rule them all… build and release the latest development for Playstationer.net, our redesign. We were well overdue a redesign, as the old theme was looking quite outdated and busy. So today we are unveiling our *cough* super sleek and sophisticated theme, go us :P

This has been in development for quite some time, and has gone through so many design changes, but I wanted it to look perfect for the site, and give it a fresh feel.

Heres an Image of it all, just incase you missed it :P

On top of the redesign, we see the return of our beloved Forum – So be sure to check it out and we will get our community talking again.

Over the coming weeks I will also be working away at bring fresh content and goodies for you all to play with, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Also, while I have your attention, we are looking for fresh faces to join our team, so head over to our Jobs page and see who we are looking for.

If you have any feedback please sound off in the comments below, email me on alex@playstationer.net, or head over to our forums and have a rant about how it burns your eyes out.

Thanks for stopping by,

Alexander “AMG999222” McGill

(You can tell I am no good at wording things like a boss)

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