According to a report on Kotaku by a “reliable source” the next PlayStation will be called Orbis and will be launched during the holiday season of 2013.
The report mentions that the next PlayStation will support an AMD x64 CPU and an AMD Southern Islands GPU and be able to display games up to 4096×2160, as well 3D games in 1080p.
The report also mentions that Sony will like Microsoft apparently stop the console form playing pre-owned games and stop all backwards compatibility with PS3 games. The in built anti used games device will make players who purchase pre-owned games pay an access fee for the full content. The games are expected to be released digitally via the PlayStation Network and also on Blu-ray disks, but much like PC disks the Blu-rays will require continuous access to the PSN in order to start up and load them onto the console. No news of whether serial numbers are needed was mentioned.
The report also mentions that apparently developers have been receiving the basic models of the Orbis since the beginning of this year. While new and updated models are due to reach developers nearing the end of 2012 in order for them to develop high quality releases for the following holiday season.
Obviously this is all speculation and Sony will no doubt refuse to comment, but if true the next generation could see the death of pre-owned but maybe not the push to digital-only games that people had been expecting. As always we will keep you informed.