tumblr_m1e2lnqInL1rsn7m0o1_500Journey has today become the fastest selling PSN game available overtaking the previous record holder Infamous Festival of Blood.

Jenova Chen Co-founder of thatgamecompany said via the PS Blog that:

“It has been an exciting two weeks for us since we launched Journey on the PlayStation Store. We see the personal connection between our work and the players, which is the most real and priceless reward for us. For that, we thank you so much for your support, for spending time and money to play our game, and for spreading the word about Journey to your dear friends and family.”

“We owe a lot to our fans. In fact, the idea of forming the thatgamecompany team to create games with Sony Santa Monica originated from several dozen emails that players sent in after playing our first student game, Cloud, from our time at USC. It was the players who told us how moving the game was and how it was important that we keep making these types of games so that more people in the world will realize what video games can be, and can grow to love games through our work. To me, that was a life-changing moment. I knew making games was my life calling.”

That’s not all thatgamecompany also released the artwork to the right to say thank you to all their fans.

Chen also mentioned that the soundtrack will be available on the PS Store on April 11 and a limited CD will be released in the future.

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