It has been an eventful week at Team17 with the announcement of Worms Revolution but things just got even better.

Andy Davidson, the creator of Worms, has returned to the team to scratch a creative itch after leaving the gaming industry to pursue other interests 14 years ago.

“I left Team17 feeling I hadn’t finished what I wanted to achieve, but for professional reasons I knew I had to walk away” commented Andy

“I’ve returned to scratch the creative itch that’s been bothering me for the last fourteen years. It’s nice to be back at Team17, it’s as though there’s been a revolution in the studio itself – there’s a real creative buzz about the place.”

Team17 Managing Director, Debbie Bestwick said “I’d always hoped Andy would return but never thought it would actually happen. The passion he shows for Worms is almost palpable and I’m looking forward to see how his injection of fresh enthusiasm into an already highly motivated and skilled team will affect things.”

Andy will get straight to work helping the developers with Worms Revolution. “The engine and physics in Worms™ Revolution are awesome, the team have developed a truly landmark game. I’ll be lending them my insight to ensure that the game balance is true to the spirit of the brand.”



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