Update: The EU PlayStation Blog has confirmed that the firmware update goes lives today, April 3rd.
Eric Lempel has posted some details on the upcoming firmware upgrade for PS Vita reportedly due this April. Firmware 1.65 will include the following updates:


  • A “Notification Alert” option will be added to Settings, so you can toggle alerts on or off
  • “After 10 minutes” will be added to the time options under Power Save Settings
  • An Arrow icon will now appear when PS Vita finds new activities in the LiveArea
  • Caps Lock will be supported in the On Screen Keyboard
Are these the enhancements that you were looking for? Personally, I feel the “Signing in” process needs to be streamlined, and I’m surprised the “Bluetooth turning itself on” issue has not been acknowledged in the blog post. What other upgrades would you have liked to have seen make the cut? Let us know in the comments below.
Source PS BLOG

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