EA has confirmed a new Dead Space game, or so we think. According to CVG EA have plans to release the game before the end of March 2013 and more details will be revealed at E3 next month.

Apparently EA announced the title during a investor call last night when it said:

“At the foundation is another year of blockbuster brands: Madden NFL, FIFA, Sim City, Medal of Honor, Dead Space, and Need for Speed as well as mobile hits like The Simpsons Tapped Out, and Bejeweled.”

EA also apparently sent a follow up email to Game Informer where it said: “There’s no further information today but watch for several big product announcements from EA at E3 in June.”

All sounds very interesting and while nothing has been officially confirmed we will of course keep you informed. In the mean time why not checkout our “what we want in Dead Space 3” feature.

Source: CVG, Game Informer

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