The handheld market has rapidly changed since the original PSP launched back in 2004, mobile phones have become more advanced and more people are playing these \u2018bitesized\u2019 gaming apps. They\u2019re cheap to buy and perfect for wasting a few minutes on here and there. However the biggest hurdle smartphone gaming has is control. Sure touch screen is cool and all that, but it will never replace the\u00a0tactile\u00a0input of the humble button. Plus having to use the same display that the game being played on can lead to you losing out on what\u2019s happening on the screen. But smartphone gaming shouldn\u2019t be completely written off just yet, there are a number of titles\u00a0available\u00a0on the App Store that would be perfect for PlayStation Vita.<\/p>\n
We thought we\u2019d take a look at a few titles currently available for iOS devices that should be bought to Vita and there\u2019s not a celebrity soundboard or zombie in sight.<\/p>\n
Ever wanted to pilot the iconic\u00a0Millennium\u00a0Falcon? Well Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner<\/em> is the closest you may ever get. You take up arms behind the Falcon’s laser cannons, and join the Rebellion in their quest to save the universe from the evil Empire. The game is played out via a view of the Falcon’s gun turret, with iconic scenes from the original Star Wars film\u00a0interweaving between levels. It’s any fan of \u00a0Star Wars dream and if the fan pleasing film clips weren’t enough, whilst playing you are\u00a0bombarded with almost every Star Wars quote under the suns. Some are lifted directly from the movies, with others being provided by convincing sound-a-likes. It’s one of the most involving Star Wars games we’ve ever played.<\/p>\n Star Wars licence aside, Falcon Gunner’s<\/em> biggest draw is how it’s played. As with all iOS titles, you use the touch screen for control. Two sticks appears on-screen, the left stick controls the turrets movement, with the right stick providing laser fire. Moving the Falcon is achieved via the power of the iPhones built-in\u00a0accelerometers, tilting the device banks the ship left or right. Tilting back allows you to move up and down, but the fun doesn’t end there.<\/p>\n Falcon Gunner<\/em> can also be played in AR Mode, enable the option from the main screen and the vast expanse of the Outer Rim System is replaced with your living room. Using the built-in camera, the turrets and incoming TIE Fighters,\u00a0overlay\u00a0where every you happen to be standing. Blast Vader’s Advanced X1, in the cake aisle of you’re local Sainsbury’s, outrun the dreaded Imperial Fleet whilst on the loo or take on Fett’s Slave 1 as Eastenders plays out in the distant – that’s no moon, it’s Phil Mitchell!<\/p>\n When in AR Mode controls change ever so slightly. Touching the on screen control sticks provide fire, but now you have to physically move within 360\u00b0 space, to\u00a0outmanoeuvre\u00a0those pesky TIEs. You’ll be spinning round like a mad man as Han barks orders and Imperial Forces appears from all sides – you may want to rethink playing it in Sainsbury’s after all.<\/p>\n Falcon Gunner<\/em> could simply be directly ported to Vita with very little effort. Vita already boasts touch screen control, although we feel it’s dual control stick set up would provide an even greater level of involvement. Vita also features\u00a0accelerometers in the guise of SIXAXIS, couple that with Vita’s built-in camera and AR Mode would be a breeze. But whatever iPhone can do, PlayStation Vita could do better – imagine taking part in\u00a0intergalactic dogfights against other PlayStation Network users\u00a0via ‘Party’. The front facing camera could provide visual feedback to your opponents, much like WipEout 2048<\/em> plans to do. How about activating your R2 unit and recording high score Hologram messages for fellow pilots to intercept via ‘near’? Even without those dream additions, Falcon Gunner<\/em> would make an excellent PlayStation Vita title, and would show off it’s features in\u00a0scruffy-looking, nerf-herding style.<\/p>\n<\/a>
Why would it work on Vita?<\/h4>\n