LGBT in Gaming\u2026 (more on a rant about the lack of standard homosexual males) (And a \u201chello!\u201d)<\/p>\n
Right, well, hello there fellow Playstationers\u2026 a few of you probably already know me for loitering since the early times of Playstationer, and indeed Chillax in the ol\u2019 days *Hipster*<\/p>\n
I have a terrible taste in games, something a few of you know, and those who don’t will most likely find out soon enough, I’ll take retro gaming over this 7th and 8th generation doo-hickey anyday, and local multiplayer will always be better than online. The Gamecube, PS2 and PS1 are unbeatable in terms of consoles, Populous The Beginning is the best game ever made, and you are all better than me at any video game out there.<\/p>\n
I recently\u2026 \u2026 was roped into this group of reasonably respectful people, they begged, offered cookies, and did unmentionable things to goats that I shan\u2019t even go into\u2026 but now I\u2019m here, I think it\u2019s time to kick my first real \u2026 \u2018article\u2019 off with a burst of rainbow coloured explosions and fireman hats.<\/p>\n
\u00a0So, on with this, piece… in no way is this meant to offend anyone, it shouldn’t but if it does, please do not hesitate to complain, offence is the best defence afterall…or… something…<\/p>\n
Homosexuality is always a touchy subject\u2026 for some reason? And whilst it\u2019s certainly had its headlines in movie, TV, music and certainly theatre it\u2019s never really broke through in video games. Back in the 80s, you\u2019d struggle to find an arcade cabinet where any male character wasn\u2019t dressed head to toe in spandex and looking sharp, whilst all females were tightly covered up\u2026 now everyone is buffed up, breasts are literally punch bags (not that I\u2019m complaining) and biker hats and leather have been eradicated.<\/p>\n
Let\u2019s just take a look at games since 2010 that have really pushed the completely normal view of homosexuality in the form of a protagonist;<\/p>\n
\u2026The relatively unknown Nintendo DS game \u201cGlory Of Heracles\u201d had a cross dressing lesbian as one of their protagonists\u2026 and umm\u2026 that\u2019s about as good as you\u2019re going to get\u2026<\/p>\n
Looking back this whole century and it\u2019s not that much better;<\/p>\n
Enchanted Arms for PS3 and 360 featured one of the main 3 \u2018dudes\u2019 as openly gay\u2026<\/p>\n
\u2026Then it\u2019s back to 2001 on PS2 with Parappa The Rapper 2, which I know sounds odd, but he certainly holds hand and kisses his male friend PJ during \u201cRomantic Love\u201d workout programme\u2026\u00a0 It\u2019s a long shot as the game revolves (somehow) around trying to get your real love interest, some female to luffs you lots and lots\u2026 but regardless, something funky is going on with the dog in the hat and a slightly paedophilic looking bear.<\/p>\n