According to the US magazine Game Informer the new assassin in the highly successful Assassin’s Creed series will be called Connor and will be half English half Native American.

They also announced that the game will be set in New York and Boston during 1753 and 1783. Connor has an English father and a Native American mother.

They mentioned that players will see a history of Connors childhood before he took up arms against tyrants. Players will also be  able to climb trees in deep forests and climb snow peaked mountains oh and fight along side George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee.

The magazine also mentions that the game will feature a whole new engine which from these screens released earlier today it looks pretty amazing. It looks like it may have taken some inspiration  from Red Dead Redemption but that’s never a bad thing.

Check out the new screens now via All Games Beta.

Source: neogaf, cvg and All Games Beta

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